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Tips to Help if You're Considering a Stocker Cattle Operation
In volatile markets and changing commodity prices, expanding
your current income flow to include a stocker cattle operation may be
beneficial for your bottom line. Stocker cattle operations are a quick turnover
option to impact a producer’s profitability. Benefits of these operations can be found for
both row crop growers, producers as well as those with smaller cow-calf
operations. In order to pull off this operation, there are many aspects to take
into consideration.
First, let’s start with an overview. Stocker cattle are beef animals that you can
add value to. The main value is
accomplishing weight gain in the most cost-effective manner. Typically weighing 300-900 pounds, they are
grazed on pastures after being weaned.
Many people make money in the stocker business by taking small sets of
cattle that have been discounted for some reason and put them into larger, more
uniform groups.
To better understand the different mentality of a stocker
cattle operation, the longest ownership of a stocker calf is eight months and
the shortest is around two months.
Unlike a cow-calf production, where cows are looked at as a long-term
investment, the stocker cattle industry runs on a shorter time frame. On average, around two and a half years pass
by between breeding and the age when heifer calves may be slaughtered. Cow-calf producers may retain these calves
for herd expansion or sell them, along with steers, to feedlot operators. The cow-calf business is well adapted to
small-scale and part-time farmers who have land suitable for pasture and hay
Picking the right cattle is the most important aspect to
profitability in the stocker business.
It’s not about the price but more about buying animals with reduced risk
of sickness and how well they grow on pastures and supplemental feeds. It takes an alert eye and lots of time to
pick the right cattle. A veterinarian is
a necessity for stocker cattle and also having good knowledge of the cattle’s
nutrition and medical history like what vaccinations the cattle have had in the
past. Combined cattle have an increased
risk of morbidity and mortality which can influence profits. Producers need to
watch stocker cattle closely to make sure there are no illnesses and if spotted
take care of it before it becomes serious.
The purchase and management of stocker calves may be a
method to increase the value of marketing forage and feed resources. Stocker cattle can help manage forage and
production risk. Due to climate
differences from year to year stocker production can be used to lower the
financial stress that can come with changeability of forage resources. Stocker production provides flexibility to
increase, decrease or eliminate the stocker enterprise relative to forage
Smaller cow-calf producers may benefit from purchasing
stocker cattle to group with home raised calves to make uniform load lots of
cattle to market. Full loads typically
get a higher price than smaller lots of cattle.
Row crop producers may consider stocker production because
it’s a method of harvesting cover crops on crop ground. Row crop producers benefit from stocker
cattle by using cover crops as forage for cattle. Cover crops yield forage during periods that
the cattle producers need it most to extend the grazing season and reduce or
even eliminate their dependence on harvested feed. Stocker cattle grazing on cover crops,
provides another source of income from the land that is most farmers limited
If the stocker cattle business is what an operator is
looking to get involved in it’s important to take advantage of all the
opportunities that are out there.
Operators must know their capabilities and skill sets and have a plan to
move forward with the business. It can
be a gamble but the trick is not to pay too much for the cattle on the front
end, then put weight on the cattle in a cost-effective way and understand and
protect the value of the calf in the future.