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801.0 miles away - JEFFERSON CITY, TN
Exterior Color: Unknown, Exterior Color (Generic): Unknown, Interior Color (Generic): Unknown, New: Used, VIN: 022321C016916
5.5 miles away - MOUNT HOPE, KS
Hours: 854
Horse Power: 24.8
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 18
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 18, Transmission: Hydro, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 48, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, deckstyle: Floating, decktilt: No, deepdeck: No, Differential Lock: No, digitaldisplay: No, enginearrangement: 2V, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 2, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 6, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 18
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 18, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 42, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, decktilt: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 7, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 42, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, deepdeck: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 7, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 21.5
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 21.5, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 4.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, deepdeck: No, digitaldisplay: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 7, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, speed: 7, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, decktilt: No, deepdeck: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 7, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, decktilt: No, deepdeck: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Commercial, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 7.5, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 24
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 24, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 60, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, deepdeck: No, digitaldisplay: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 7.5, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, decktilt: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 8, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Contact for Price
50.6 miles away - PRATT, KS
Horse Power: 24
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 24, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Smooth, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 60, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, decktilt: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, mediaoverlaybanner: Available, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 2, Operator Controls: Lap Bars, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, speed: 8, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
56.2 miles away - WINFIELD, KS
Hours: 919
56.2 miles away - WINFIELD, KS
Hours: 393
56.2 miles away - WINFIELD, KS
56.2 miles away - WINFIELD, KS
60.1 miles away - ELLINWOOD, KS
Hours: 993
48" 3348PF Powerfold Side Discharge Deck, Single Tail Wheel, Front Tires Bar, *Please call for additional information, availability and location. Hours subject to change.*
64.6 miles away - GREAT BEND, KS
Hours: 126
Width: 60 in
64.6 miles away - GREAT BEND, KS
Hours: 1175
Width: 60 in
Hours: 1175, Width: 60 in, Drive Type: 2WD, Engine Type: Gas, New: Used, Other: 20x11-10 knobby traction tires
80.5 miles away - GREENSBURG, KS
Hours: 571
Width: 54 in
81.9 miles away - ALVA, OK
Hours: 27
Width: 60 in
Horse Power: 25
Hours: 27, Width: 60 in, Horse Power: 25, Drive Type: 2WD, Engine Type: Gas, Mower Options: Tweels, New: Used, Other: For more information contact your local Western Equipment at 580-327-0105 or
81.9 miles away - ALVA, OK
Width: 50 in
Width: 50 in, Drive Type: 2WD, Engine Type: Gas, New: Used, Other: For more information contact your local Western Equipment at 580-327-0105 or
81.9 miles away - ALVA, OK
Hours: 95
Width: 48 in
Horse Power: 23
Hours: 95, Width: 48 in, Horse Power: 23, Drive Type: 2WD, Engine Type: Gas, New: Used, Other: For more information contact your local Western Equipment at 580-327-0105 or
90.9 miles away - ENID, OK
90.9 miles away - ENID, OK
90.9 miles away - ENID, OK
2020 John Deere 1550 TerrainCut front deck mower with 72" SD deck. Hydro, 4WD, diesel engine. Serviced and ready to go!
90.9 miles away - ENID, OK
Hours: 29
Width: 48 in
Horse Power: 25
Hours: 29, Width: 48 in, Horse Power: 25, Engine Type: Gas, Extended Warranty thru: 4/21/2029, New: Used, Other: Dedicated Mulch Kit, Tool Holder Kit, 10P Cart, Warranty Notes: Extended Comprehensive Warranty through 9/21/2029 or 600hrs.
90.9 miles away - ENID, OK
Hours: 413
Horse Power: 25
Width: 54 in
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 413, Horse Power: 25, Width: 54 in, Transmission: Hydro, Drive Type: 2WD, Engine Type: Gas, New: Used
97.3 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Horse Power: 37
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 37, Transmission: Hydro, broom: No, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 64, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Rear, deckliftsystem: Electric, decklocation: Front-Mount, deckstyle: Floating, deepdeck: Yes, Mower Type: Commercial, mulchkit: Yes, New: New, Number of Blades: 3, ptoengagement: Mechanical, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, sprayer: No
97.3 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Hours: 91
Horse Power: 24
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 91, Horse Power: 24, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 61, deckconstruction: Fabricated, mulchkit: No, New: Used, Number of Blades: 3, platformsuspension: Yes, ptoengagement: Electric
97.3 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Hours: 31
Horse Power: 21
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 31, Horse Power: 21, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 48, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, decklocation: Mid-Mount, Differential Lock: No, digitaldisplay: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: Yes, New: Used, Number of Blades: 3, Power Steering: Yes, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, sprayer: No
Contact for Price
97.3 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Gas, broom: No, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 52, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 3, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, sprayer: No
of 399
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