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723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Auger: No, Gathering Type: Draper, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, polyskidshoes: Yes, Width (feet): 35
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723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Horse Power: 21.5
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 21.5, Transmission: Hydro, broom: No, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, decklocation: Mid-Mount, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Mower Type: Residential, mulchkit: No, New: New, Number of Blades: 3, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, snowblower: No, sprayer: No
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
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723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Hours: 48
Transmission: Sync Shuttle
Horse Power: 60
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 48, Transmission: Sync Shuttle, Horse Power: 60, Drive Type: MFWD, 3-Point Hitch: Yes, New: New, Operator Station: No Cab, PTO (RPM): 540, # of Forward Speeds: 8, Backhoe: No, Front Fenders: No, Front Tire Type: Singles, frontthreepointhitch: No, haspto: Yes, highclearance: No, Loader: Yes, Loader Make: New Holland, Loader Model: 621TL, loaderready: Yes, loaderserialnumber: YNWL20182, midmounthydraulics: Yes, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire Type: Singles, Remote Hydraulics: 1, ROPS: Yes, Wheel Type: Tires
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723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Hours: 1
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 39.4
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 1, Transmission: Hydro, Horse Power: 39.4, Drive Type: MFWD, New: New, PTO (RPM): 540, Backhoe: No, creepergear: No, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: No, frontpto: No, haspto: Yes, Loader: Yes, midmounthydraulics: Yes, midmountmower: No, midmountpto: No, ROPS: Yes, warrantytype: Original
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
PTO (RPM): 1000, baleapplicator: No, Balediameter (inches): 72, Balewidth (inches): 60, New: Used, Self Propelled: No
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, conditioner: Yes, conditionertype: Steel, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, cutterbartype: Sickle, flotationsystem: Yes, Fuel Type: Diesel, gpsready: Yes, headermanufacturer: NEW HOLLAND, headermodel: HAYBINE 16HS, headeryear: 2022, Horse Power: 160, Hours: 128, instructionalseat: Yes, modularcutterbar: No, New: Used, quickchangeknifesystem: No, rearaxlesuspension: Yes, soldwithheader: Yes, turftires: No, Width (feet): 16
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
baleaccumulator: No, baleapplicator: No, Balewidth (inches): 48, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, tyingsystem: Mechanical, weighingsystem: No
Contact for Price
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
Hours: 1
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 24
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 1, Transmission: Hydro, Horse Power: 24, Drive Type: MFWD, New: New, Backhoe: No, frontpto: No, haspto: Yes, Loader: Yes, midmountmower: No, midmountpto: Yes, ROPS: Yes, warrantytype: Original
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
foldingcontroltype: Hydraulic, hitchtype: 2pt, New: New, numrotors: 2, raketype: Rotary, Width (feet): 27
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
723.4 miles away - EMPORIA, KS
conditioner: Yes, conditionertype: Steel, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, cutterbartype: Sickle, draperready: No, flotationsystem: Yes, Hours: 3869, New: Used, soldwithheader: Yes, turftires: No, Width (feet): 14
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