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1381.6 miles away - MANDAN, ND
Rows: 36
PlanterType: Pull
Rows: 36, Fertilizer Type: Liquid, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 3000, Power Type: Mechanical, rowconfiguration: 36 Row 20, Rowspacing (inches): 20, Twin Row Planter: No
1416.2 miles away - MINOT, ND
Rows: 36
PlanterType: Pull
Rows: 36, Fertilizer Type: Dry, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 10000, Power Type: Electric, rowconfiguration: 36 Row 22, Rowspacing (inches): 22, Twin Row Planter: No
832.6 miles away - DYERSVILLE, IA
Rows: 16
Rows: 16, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 10000, Power Type: Mechanical, rowconfiguration: 16 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
381.0 miles away - GREENVILLE, NC
Rows: 24
Row Spacing: 20"
PlanterType: Vertical Fold
Metering System: vSet2
Rows: 24, Row Spacing: 20", PlanterType: Vertical Fold, Metering System: vSet2, Monitor: Gen 3 20/20, Hopper: mSet mini, Hours: 0, Row Command: No, Acres Planted: 0, Drive Type: Electric/vDrive
904.9 miles away - CURRYVILLE, MO
Rows: 24
Row Spacing: 30 in
Metering System: Exact Emerge
Rows: 24, Row Spacing: 30 in, Metering System: Exact Emerge, Hopper: Central Fill System, Row Command: Yes, Fertilizer: No Fertilizer, Frame: Wing Fold, New: Used, Other Options: Electric Drive
934.9 miles away - CAMERON, WI
Rows: 24
Row Spacing: 30 in
Metering System: Vacuum
Rows: 24, Row Spacing: 30 in, Metering System: Vacuum, Hopper: Central Fill System, Row Command: No, Frame: Flex Fold, New: Used, Other: Row Cleaners, Liquid Fertilizer, 2 Pt Hitch, ProShaft Drive, Pneumatic Down Force
41.3 miles away - COLUMBIA, NJ
Rows: 6
Row Spacing: 30 in
Metering System: Finger Pickup
Rows: 6, Row Spacing: 30 in, Metering System: Finger Pickup, Hopper: 1.6 Bushel, Fertilizer: Other, Frame: Rigid, New: Used
82.5 miles away - HAMBURG, PA
Rows: 6
PlanterType: Pull
Rows: 6, Fertilizer Type: Liquid, New: Used, packageconfiguration: MaxEmerge 2, Power Type: Mechanical, rowconfiguration: 6 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
83.6 miles away - ELMER, NJ
Rows: 16/31
Row Spacing: 15/30 in
Metering System: Vacuum
Rows: 16/31, Row Spacing: 15/30 in, Metering System: Vacuum, Hopper: Central Fill System, Fertilizer: Exact Rate, New: Used, Other Options: Electric Drive
83.6 miles away - ELMER, NJ
Rows: 12
Row Spacing: 30 in
Metering System: Vacuum
Rows: 12, Row Spacing: 30 in, Metering System: Vacuum, Hopper: 1.6 Bushel, Frame: Flex Fold, New: Used, Other: Precision Planting 20/20 SeedSense
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 16
1500 acres, Gold Star Warranty till March 2026, Precision Planting Gen 3 20/20, Vset2 meters w/ corn and soybean plates, 1000 gallon liquid tank, SpeedTube, DeltaForce, vApply system on corn rows, camera and work light pkg, 2-point hitch, FurrowForce, Reveal on corn rows, Martin row cleaners on bean rows, Gold Star Warranty till March 2026. Hours: 1500
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
2021 Fendt Momentum 32-15, 1000 gallon fert tank, 130 bushel total seed hoppers. High Spec planter- Precison Planting equipment includes Gen3 2020, vSet/vDrive, DeltaForce, CleanSweep w/ MartinTill ACCR1345, vApplyHD Infurrow or Conceal for Nitrogen, SmartDepth, Furrowforce (30" rows only). Includes vSet seeding discs for soybeans and wheat/milo/sorghum. Planter has been well maintained! Fully uptimed, ready for this season! Consignment from a local farm. Mileage: 0 Hours: 1700
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 16
2022 Kinze 3665 True Speed 16 Row Planter Bulk Fill, Row Markers with Notched Blades, Split Row Package (Interplants), Kinze Blue Vantage Monitor, True Speed Corn Disc Rear Rows, True Speed 46 Cell Soybean Disc all Rows, Dawn Closing Wheels, True Depth Hydraulic Down Pressure, Keeton Seed Firmers, PTO Hydraulic Pump Package, Bulk Fill Scale Package, Camera Out the Back and on Left Side, All Kinze Updates Done, Planted 2 Seasons Mileage: 0 Hours: 1
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 16
Kinze 3665 True Speed 16 Row Planter Bulk Fill, Row Marker Package, Kinze Blue Vantage Monitor, Corn and 92 Cell Soybean Discs Dawn Closing Wheels, True Depth Hydraulic Down Pressure, Martin ACCR1360 with Razor Wheels and Depth Bands, Precision Planting Clean Sweep, Keeton Seed Firmers, 550 Gal Fertilizer Package, Twin Piston Pumps with Ag Leader Liquid Control in 8 Sections for Both Fertilizers, 2 110 Gal Tanks, Totally Tubular Tail Drops, Redball sight glass, PTO Hydraulic Pump and Mount, Bulk Scale Package, 2 Cameras, Tank Control From Cab & Fill End, Extra Lighting, All Kinze Updates Done and Uptimed In Our Shop Ready for Field Mileage: 0 Hours: 0
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 12
Used 2008 Kinze 3600 Planter, Ag Leade Sure Force Hydraulic Down Pressure, Ag Leader Suredrive Electric Meter Drives, Precision Planting V-Set Classic Vacuum Meters with Corn Plates, Closing Wheels, Frame No-Till Coulters with Kinze Floating Sweeps with Shark Tooth Wheels and Treaders, Keeton Seed Firmers, Liquid Fertilizer with Hydraulic Drive John Blue Pump With Section Control Through Ag Leader Control, Totally Tubular Tail Drops for Placement, Markers, No Ag Leader Display with Unit. Through Shop Mileage: 0 Hours: 0
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 6
Single Frame, Dry Fertilizer with Double Disc Openers and Cross Auger, Schlagel Closing Wheels, Spring Down Pressure, KPM II Population Monitor, Finger Meters, Frame Notill Coulters with Martin C125 Sweeps, COMPLETELY UPTIMED Mileage: 0 Hours: 0
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 12
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 12
Rows: 12, New: New, Power Type: Electric, rowconfiguration: 12 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 16
Rows: 16, New: New, Power Type: Electric, rowconfiguration: 16 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 12
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 12
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 6
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 6
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Contact for Price
100.5 miles away - LEOLA, PA
Rows: 16
Rows: 16, New: New, Power Type: Electric, rowconfiguration: 16 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
7 Days, 4 Hours
Until Auction Start
Auction Lot #: 3037
Dealer Info
Wolgemuth Auction LLC
Leola, PA
102.6 miles away
7 Days, 4 Hours
Until Auction Start
Auction Lot #: 4952
3pt, rebuilt
Dealer Info
Wolgemuth Auction LLC
Leola, PA
102.6 miles away
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 1750, 6 row, 30" spacing, dry fert, vacuum, corn and bean meters, row cleaners, nice clean planter.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7200 6 Row Corn Planter, 30" Spacing, liquid fertilizer, conservation, frame mounted no-till coulters, new precision finger meters, JD 250 Monitor, new seed disc, and no-till coulter blades.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7200 Corn Planter, 6 row, 30" spacing, conservation, finger pickup, liquid fertilizer, corn and bean meters.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7200 Corn Planter, 6 Row, 30" spacing, conservation, finger pickup, liquid fertilizer, corn and bean meters.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7200 6 Row Corn Planter, 30" spacing, conservation, precision E set meters, no-till coulters and row cleaners, liquid fertilizer in furrow.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7200, 6 row corn planter, 30" spacing, conservation, Yetter frame mounted no-till coulters, liquid fertilizer, row cleaners, vacuum, corn and bean meters.
103.0 miles away - LITITZ, PA
John Deere 7000 6 row corn planter, 30" spacing, conservation, dry fertilizer, row cleaners, new blades, new sensors, corn and bean meters.
103.3 miles away - MYERSTOWN, PA
Rows: 6
PlanterType: Pull
Rows: 6, Fertilizer Type: Liquid, New: Used, Power Type: Mechanical, rowconfiguration: 6 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
103.3 miles away - MYERSTOWN, PA
Rows: 6
PlanterType: Pull
Rows: 6, Fertilizer Type: Dry, New: Used, Power Type: Mechanical, rowconfiguration: 6 Row 30, Rowspacing (inches): 30, Twin Row Planter: No
of 108
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