364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 50
Transmission: CVT
Horse Power: 310
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 50, Transmission: CVT, Horse Power: 310, Drive Type: MFWD, New: Used, Operator Station: Cab, PTO (RPM): 540/1000, Articulating: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: Yes, Front Suspension: SuspendedFrontAxle, Front Tire Type: Singles, frontpto: Yes, gpsready: Yes, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, Loader: No, midmounthydraulics: Yes, Rear Tire Type: Singles
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2019 Case IH 7250
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Separator Hours: 1200
Hours: 1600
Separator Hours: 1200, Hours: 1600, Horse Power: 402, Drive Type: 4WD, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, combineautomationpackage: Harvest Command, Differential Lock: Yes, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: Yes, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2019 Case IH 8250
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Separator Hours: 700
Hours: 900
Separator Hours: 700, Hours: 900, Drive Type: 4WD, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: No, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Differential Lock: Yes, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2023 Case IH Maxxum 125
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 1
Transmission: Powershift
Horse Power: 125
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 1, Transmission: Powershift, Horse Power: 125, Drive Type: MFWD, Fuel Type: Diesel, 3-Point Hitch: Yes, New: New, Operator Station: Cab, PTO (RPM): 540/1000, # of Forward Speeds: 16, # of Reverse Speeds: 16, antiquecollector: No, Articulating: No, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: No, Backhoe: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, creepergear: No, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: Yes, Front Tire % Remaining: 100, Front Tire Size: 380/85R28, Front Tire Type: Singles, frontpto: No, frontthreepointhitch: No, gpsready: No, hasfrontweights: No, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, highclearance: No, Loader: No, lowprofiletractor: No, midmounthydraulics: No, numrearweights: 6, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire % Remaining: 100, Rear Tire Size: 460/85R38, Rear Tire Type: Singles, Remote Hydraulics: 3, warrantytype: Original, Wheel Type: Tires
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2009 Case IH 7088
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Separator Hours: 2650
Hours: 3700
Separator Hours: 2650, Hours: 3700, Horse Power: 300, Drive Type: PRWD, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: No, autocombineadjust: No, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, autoterrainadjust: No, Cab: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: No, Differential Lock: No, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: No, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, planetarydrive: No, premiumlighting: No, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: 3 Spd
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2018 Kuhn Knight SLC132
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
deflector: Yes, dischargelocation: Side, endgatetype: Hydraulic, finespreadpan: No, Floor Type: Steel, Guards: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, lid: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, safetylights: Yes, Scale: No, sidematerial: Steel, spreaderconfiguration: Expellers, stoneguard: No, Suspension: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2019 Case SV280
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 2790
Hours: 2790, A/C: Yes, AC Condition: Good, Bucket: No, exteriorlighttype: Halogen, frontelectric: No, New: Used, Operator Controls: Hand, Quick Attach: Yes, ROPS Type: Enclosed, seatmaterial: Cloth, seattype: Air Ride, telematics: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2012 Case IH 2608
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Header Row Spacing: 30
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2022 Gehl R105
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 11
Hours: 11, A/C: No, exteriorlighttype: Halogen, New: Used, Operator Controls: Hand, premiumdisplaypanel: No, Quick Attach: Yes, ROPS Type: Enclosed, seatmaterial: Cloth, seattype: Suspension
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2000 Case IH 2208
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Header Row Spacing: 30
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2008 Kuhn Knight 8124
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
deflector: Yes, dischargelocation: Side, endgate: No, finespreadpan: No, Floor Type: Steel, Guards: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, lid: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, PTO Size: 1 3/8, removablebeaterassembly: No, safetylights: Yes, Scale: No, sidematerial: Steel, soldwithcarrier: No, spreaderconfiguration: Flails, stoneguard: No, Suspension: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2012 John Deere 2720
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 814
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 31
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 814, Transmission: Hydro, Horse Power: 31, Drive Type: MFWD, Fuel Type: Diesel, New: Used, Operator Station: No Cab, PTO (RPM): 540, antiquecollector: No, Backhoe: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 62, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: No, Front Tire Type: Singles, hasfrontweights: No, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: No, Loader: Yes, midmountmower: Yes, midmountpto: Yes, Number of Blades: 3, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire Type: Singles, ROPS: Yes, Wheel Type: Tires
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2019 H&S 3137
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
constantvelocitypto: No, deflector: No, dischargelocation: Rear, drivelineprotection: No, endgate: Yes, endgatetype: Hydraulic, finespreadpan: No, Floor Type: Plastic Coated Wood, Guards: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, lid: No, New: Used, numbeaters: 1, PTO (RPM): 540, removablebeaterassembly: No, safetylights: No, Scale: No, sidematerial: Wood, spreaderconfiguration: Horizontal Beaters, stoneguard: No, Suspension: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2015 Kuhn Knight 8118
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
completerebuild: No, deflector: Yes, dischargelocation: Side, endgate: No, finespreadpan: No, Floor Type: Metal, Guards: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, lid: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, safetylights: Yes, Scale: No, sidematerial: Metal, spreaderconfiguration: Flails, stoneguard: No, Suspension: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2023 Hustler HUSTLER Z DIESEL 60
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Horse Power: 25
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 25, Transmission: Hydro, Fuel Type: Diesel, Cuttingwidth (inches): 60, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 14.4, Mower Type: Commercial, New: New, Number of Blades: 3, ROPS: Yes
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2007 Patz 1100 SERIES 500
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2021 Hustler SUPER Z 60
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 230
Horse Power: 35
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 230, Horse Power: 35, Transmission: Hydro, broom: No, Cab: No, Canopy: No, casterwheeltread: Turf, collectionsystem: No, Cuttingwidth (inches): 60, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, deckstyle: Floating, decktilt: No, Differential Lock: No, digitaldisplay: No, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 12, Mower Type: Commercial, mulchkit: No, New: Used, Number of Blades: 3, Power Steering: No, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: Yes, snowblower: No, speed: 14, sprayer: No, tweeltires: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2024 Cub Cadet PRO X 654
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Horse Power: 25.5
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 25.5, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 8, Maxcutheight (inches): 5, New: New, Number of Blades: 3
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2010 Case IH 2020
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Platform Size: 30
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2017 Massey-Ferguson TD1648
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2022 Hustler RAPTOR 54
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 0.2
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 0.2, Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckdischargetype: Side, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, Mower Type: Residential, New: New, ROPS: No
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2023 Hustler RAPTOR 48
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 0.2
Horse Power: 21.5
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 0.2, Horse Power: 21.5, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 48, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, Mower Type: Residential, New: New, ROPS: No, speed: 7.5
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
Cub Cadet XT1 ST54
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Horse Power: 24
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 24, Transmission: Hydro, Drive Type: 2WD, Fuel Type: Gas, batteriesincluded: Batteries Included, Cuttingheight (inches): 1, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, deckdischargetype: Side, decklocation: Mid-Mount, Maxcutheight (inches): 4, New: New, Number of Blades: 3, ptoengagement: Electric, ROPS: No, speed: 5.5
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
2024 Hustler DASH XD 42
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Horse Power: 15
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 15, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 42, deckdischargetype: Side, deckliftsystem: Mechanical, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 2, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, New: New, ROPS: No, speed: 6
Dealer Info
364.3 miles away
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