Primary Contact
Equipment Listings
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Clearingheight (inches): 23, Clearingwidth (inches): 30, New: New, Number of Stages: Three, Power Type: Gasoline, Self Propelled: Yes
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Hours: 0.2
Horse Power: 23
Transmission: Hydro
Hours: 0.2, Horse Power: 23, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckdischargetype: Side, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 3, Maxcutheight (inches): 4.5, Mower Type: Residential, New: New, ROPS: No
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
constantvelocitypto: No, deflector: No, dischargelocation: Rear, drivelineprotection: No, endgate: Yes, endgatetype: Hydraulic, finespreadpan: No, Floor Type: Plastic Coated Wood, Guards: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, lid: No, New: Used, numbeaters: 1, PTO (RPM): 540, removablebeaterassembly: No, safetylights: No, Scale: No, sidematerial: Wood, spreaderconfiguration: Horizontal Beaters, stoneguard: No, Suspension: No
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Contact for Price
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Separator Hours: 1200
Hours: 1600
Separator Hours: 1200, Hours: 1600, Horse Power: 402, Drive Type: 4WD, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, combineautomationpackage: Harvest Command, Differential Lock: Yes, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: Yes, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
Horse Power: 25.5
Transmission: Hydro
Horse Power: 25.5, Transmission: Hydro, Cuttingheight (inches): 1.5, Cuttingwidth (inches): 54, deckconstruction: Fabricated, Fuelcapacity (gallons): 8, Maxcutheight (inches): 5, New: New, Number of Blades: 3
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI
364.3 miles away - ALLENTON, WI