156.8 miles away - PENNSDALE, PA
203.3 miles away - ELIZABETH CITY, NC
674.4 miles away - BLAKELY, GA
674.4 miles away - BLAKELY, GA
- Available Between 13-28' - Runs At Speeds Up To 12 MPH - Cuts All Shredded or mowed Cotton Stalks 2" below soil line. All Biomass is moved Into The Center Of The Row - Every Machine Comes With 5 Year Or 30,000 Acre Machine Warranty
778.5 miles away - JAY, FL
Rhino Ag RC120 IT'S HARD TO FIND A GOOD USED SHREDDER. WELL HERE IS A GREAT 3-PT 20' UNIT WITH 4 GAUGE WHEELS ACROSS THE REAR FOR ADDED PROTECTION AGAINST HITTING THE GROUND. GET IT DONE QUICKLY. Call Tommy G. at 318-535-9564 or Click Email Dealer for more information about this nice shredder and/or other nice used equipment we available for immediate pickup. Need financing or insurance? We can do that too
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