2024 DEMO JOHN DEERE Z930M 25 HP KAWASAKI ENGINE INCLUDES -NEW FACTORY WARRANTY !!! - 10 MPH SPEED AND EXCLUSIVE 7 IRON 7 GAUGE DECK ! 24X24X12 WHEELS !!!! 60 INCH DECK -- CALL TODAY 614-475-O7O7 FOR THIS AND ALL WE HAVE TO CARRY ------- 5740 ZARLEY ST NEW ALBANY OHIO 43054 ---THIS MODEL WOULD BE AROUND 20,000.00 BRAND NEW---- 614-475-0707 ------- PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE DEALER FEE AND TAX ---141 HRS----- MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:30 TO 5:00 SATURDAY 7:30 TO 12:00 -ALL USED EQUIPMENT IS SOLD AS-IS------ KEYWORDS -----John Deere, Kubota, TYM, Toro, Exmark, Dixie Chopper, Grass Hopper, Bad Boy, Gravely, Commercial Mowing, commercial mower, diesel, diesel mower, Bush Hog, Lawn Service, Blades, Parts, Zero Turn, zturn, zmaster, Mahindra, CAT, Volvo, Case, New Holland, Farming, Mowing, Cattle, Horse, Pigs, Big Tex, Trailer, SCAG, STIHL, Honda, Massey, ferguson, fergusson, skid steer, track machine, landscape, lawn, mowing, hunting, hunting camp, food plot, compact, 4wd, 2wd, 4x4, work, play, monster, grasshopper, ford, clearing, harrow, implements, warranty, used, old, new, lease, rent, horses, pig, dog, cat, jon deer, landscape, landscaping, arborist, tree service, dairy, row crop, blueberry, blueberries, honda, generator, generators, mini excavator, skid steer, compact track loader, cwp, backhoe, back hoe, bull dozer, bulldozer, 1023, 1025, 3025, 3032, 3033, 3038, 3046, 4044, 4052, 4066, 5045, 5055, 5065, 5075, 5085, 5100, 08026131 UTV, XUV, JOHN DEERE, HONDA, POLARIS, ARCTIC CAT, BENNCHE, COWBOY, RANCHER, HISUN, RANGER, PIONEER, CFMOTO, ZFORCE, MASSIMO, ATV, KAWASAKI, KYMCO, OFF ROAD- Financing |