249.6 miles away - FALCONER, NY
NewAged Curtis Cab. Miscellaneous Turf Fits 2025R Compact Tractor. Original Price $3500. Sale Price: $2995
249.6 miles away - FALCONER, NY
NewAged Curtis Cab. Miscellaneous Turf Fits 2025R Compact Tractor. Original Price: $3000. Sale Price: $2595
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
For Sale: NEW...Curtis hard cab enclosure for JD Gators...fits models HPX615, XUV620, XUV825 with standard OPS roll cage...model years 2006 or newer...includes electric wiper...all-steel design with glass windshield and hard doors...mounts over existing OPS frame...dual sliding rear window...sliding windows in doors...lockable doors...Curtis model number 1GTRXUV2...(add $690 for optional heater kit)...this is a NEW cab, not used
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467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
For Sale: NEW...Curtis hard cab for JD 2032R and 2038R tractors...fits tractor model years 2017 and newer...all-steel cab with glass windshield and glass rear panel...hard doors...includes electric wiper and heater kit...add $125 for optional extra sealing kit...this is a NEW cab, not used.
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467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
FOR SALE: NEW...Curtis hard cab for JD 3025E-3032E-3038E tractors, model year 2018 or newer, with rear fuel fill...all-steel cab, with glass windshield, glass rear panel, and hard doors...this is the new Curtis "Advantage-Series" cab...includes electric wiper and heater kit...add $195 for optional sealing kit components...this is a NEW cab, not used.
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467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
For Sale: Curtis cab for JD 1023E-1025R tractors with forward-leaning ROPS...see note below about straight ROPS...new-style "Advantage-Series" cab...hard side...includes electric wiper and heater...add $98 for optional sealing kit...[[NOTE: this cab can be made-to-fit a straight-ROPS tractor, add $350 for add'l hardware and frame weldment]]
Dealer Info
467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
For Sale: NEW...Curtis hard cab for JD 2025R compact tractors, model year 2018 and newer...all-steel cab...glass windshield and glass rear panel...includes electric wiper and heater kit...(add $98 for optional extra-sealing kit)...this is a NEW cab, not used.
Dealer Info
467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
FOR SALE: [NOTE: sold-out at this time; call for availability] Curtis Cab-produced replacement aluminum doors for JD Gators with deluxe cab frames...made to replace the JD deluxe cab glass doors on Mauser cab frame...sliding windows...lightweight aluminum, with acrylic lower window and glass upper window...durable and easy-to-store...these doors replace the JD original all-glass doors...
Dealer Info
467.3 miles away
467.3 miles away - NORTH LIBERTY, IA
NEW...Curtis "Plus Cab" for JD 2025R tractor...(2025R 2017 Model or newer)...full steel frame and steel roof...steel-framed lockable doors, full vinyl doors, and roll-up rear panel...includes heater and electric wiper...optional "extra seal" kit available for $98...this is a NEW cab, not used.
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467.3 miles away
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