NEW PACKAGE JOHN DEERE 1025R WITH LOADER, DECK AND TRAILER PACKAGE - 0 % FOR 84 MONTHS NOT INCLUDING TAX AND DEALER FEE ONLY $ 356.00 PER MONTH $ 29,897.00 IS PRICE BEFORE TAX AND DEALER FEE--- SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS !!!! 614-475-0707 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST AND RESIDENCY RESTRICTIONS APPLY !!!!! NEW JOHN DEERE 1025R-------------------------------------------ENDS JULY 31 BUT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND DEERE FINANCE APPROVAL-----------------Subject to Availability - ------------------------------------------------------- Call Ag Pro New Albany for details on this and all New John Deere Tractors! 614-475-O707 5740 Zarley St. New Albany OH 43054 M-F 7:30-5 Sat 7:30-12 ---------------COYOTE STOCK # I0008950---1025R I0009019----DECK A0011176-------------- Ohio only pricing - residency restrictions apply ------------------------------------ Need a different size or configuration? Stop in or give us a call today!---- PRICING DOES NOT INCLUDE TAX OR DEALER FEES -- ASK ABOUT OTHER OPTIONS!!!!!---- ------------------------------------------------------- 25 HP Yanmar Diesel 2 Range Hydrostatic Transmission 3 Point universal Category 1 Hitch -y Rear PTO Backhoe compatible 6 Year Power Train Warranty. 120R Quik Park loader comes with large 53" Removable bucket Many other attachments available call for details Pricing does not include dealer fees and tax ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Keywords Kubota Bobcat CAT Mahinda Yanmar LS RURAL KING RK John Deere, Kubota, TYM, Toro, Exmark, Dixie Chopper, Grass Hopper, Bad Boy, Gravely, Commercial Mowing, commercial mower, diesel, diesel mower, Bush Hog, Lawn Service, Blades, Parts, Zero Turn, zturn, zmaster, Mahindra, CAT, Volvo, Case, New Holland, Farming, Mowing, Cattle, Horse, Pigs, Big Tex, Trailer, SCAG, STIHL, Honda, Massey, ferguson, fergusson, skid steer, track machine, landscape, lawn, mowing, hunting, hunting camp, food plot, compact, 4wd, 2wd, 4x4, work, play, monster, grasshopper, ford, clearing, harrow, implements, warranty, used, old, new, lease, rent, horses, pig, dog, cat, jon deer, landscape, landscaping, arborist, tree service, dairy, row crop, blueberry, blueberries, honda, generator, generators, mini excavator, skid steer, compact track loader, cwp, backhoe, back hoe, bull dozer, bulldozer, |