37.6 miles away - URBANA, OH
New: Used, Other: 25' Working width, One owner with only 2000 acres, Paint still on the spools and basket
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37.6 miles away
114.5 miles away - ARCHBOLD, OH
alternateharrowtype: Rolling Basket, bladeconfiguration: Gang, blademountingtype: Cushion, Bladespacing (inches): 8, depthcontrol: Yes, depthcontroltype: Hydraulic, framesectiontype: 5-Section Folding, frontbladetype: Notched and Wavy, gangangleadjust: Yes, gangangleadjusttype: Mechanical, gaugewheeltype: Pivoting, harrowtype: Rolling Basket, hitch: No, hydraulicwingdownpressure: No, Maxgangangle (degree): 16, mudscrapers: Yes, New: Used, rearattachmentcontroltype: Mechanical, Rearbladespacing (inches): 8, rearbladetype: Notched and Wavy, safetylights: Yes, seeder: No, singlepointdepthcontrol: Yes, Walking Tandems: Yes, walkingtandemswings: Yes, weights: No, Width (feet): 43
Dealer Info
114.5 miles away
1033.2 miles away - EAST BERNARD, TX
bladeconfiguration: Gang, blademountingtype: Rigid, Bladespacing (inches): 8, framesectiontype: 3-Section Folding, Frontbladesize (inches): 18, gangangleadjust: Yes, gangangleadjusttype: Mechanical, harrowtype: Rolling Basket, hitch: No, New: Used, Number of Blades: 46, numrearblades: 50, Rearbladesize (inches): 18, Rearbladespacing (inches): 8, safetylights: No, seeder: No, weights: No, Width (feet): 32
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