2019 Kubota M5-111
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Drive Type: 4WD
Kubota M5-111, 358 Hours, 8X8 Shuttle Trans, Cab, Heat, Air, 1 Remote, 4WD, 540 PTO, 3 pt, 18.4-30 Rear Tires, SN #58407.
2018 Caterpillar 259D
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Caterpillar 259D Skid Steer, 4325 Hours, Cab, Heat, Cold AC, 2 Speed, Power Tach, Aux Hyd, SN #CAT0259DJFTL16391.
2018 Kubota M5-091
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Drive Type: 4WD
Kubota M5-091, 2720 Hours, Cab, Heat, Air, 12X12 Trans, 2 rear remotes, 540/540E PTO, 12.4-24 Rear, 8X16 Front tires, SN #50600.
2022 Kubota L3901HST
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Horse Power: 39
Drive Type: 4WD
Kubota L3901HST, 466 Hours, 3 Range HST, Ansung Loader, SN #23J3204, 540 PTO, 3 pt, R4 Tires, SN #A1513.
2014 AVANT 420
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
2014 Avant 420, 1,860 Hrs., Kubota Dsl., Turf Tires, Wgt. Kit, 60" Bkt., Avant Qu. Attach, SN 751301441 $17,500
Kubota M6800
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Horse Power: 71
Drive Type: 4WD
Kubota M6800, 260 Hours on meter, loader, SSQA, 4WD, 8X8 Shuttle Trans, 540 PTO, 3 pt, 1 remote, R4 Tires, SN #70406.
New Holland 1431
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
New Holland 1431 Discbine, Center Pivot, Draw Bar hitch, 1000 PTO, Rubber Rolls, Light Package, SN #608058.
2024 EGN EG360
70.6 miles away - SHIPPENSBURG, PA
EGN EG360 Mini Track Skid Steer, New, SN #EH360240637, 13.5 hp gas, aux hyds, Dingo Quick attach 38" bucket, stand on, we do not guarantee the hours on this unit, some of these units count hours if the battery is connected.
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