2023 Claas LEXION 8600
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 548
Hours: 711
Separator Hours: 548, Hours: 711, Horse Power: 550, Drive Type: 2WD, Attachments: Chaff Spreader, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: Yes, autolube: Yes, autosidehillcompensation: Yes, autoterrainadjust: Yes, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: Yes, combineautomationpackage: CEMOS Automatic, Differential Lock: No, engineaircompressor: No, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, Fuel Type: Diesel, gpsready: Yes, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, planetarydrive: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: 3 Spd, warrantytype: Extended
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2018 Claas XERION 5000 TRAC
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Hours: 1950
Transmission: CVT
Horse Power: 530
Drive Type: 4WD
Hours: 1950, Transmission: CVT, Horse Power: 530, Drive Type: 4WD, Fuel Type: Diesel, 3-Point Hitch: No, New: Used, Operator Station: Cab, PTO (RPM): 1000, agdrawbar: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Canopy: 4 Post, Front Tire % Remaining: 90, Front Tire Size: 710/70 R42, Front Tire Type: Duals, frontthreepointhitch: No, Frontweights (kilograms): 5000, gpsready: Yes, hasfrontweights: Yes, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, hydraulicflowtype: Standard, Loader: No, numfrontweights: 4, numrearweights: 5, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire % Remaining: 90, Rear Tire Size: 710/70 R42, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Remote Hydraulics: 5, ROPS: Yes, Speed (miles/hour): 31, Wheel Type: Tires
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Claas JAGUAR 980
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Hours: 1700
Hours: 1700, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autolube: Yes, automaticspout: Yes, autosharpening: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, cutterheadhours: 1300, Drive Type: 2WD, Front Tire Type: Singles, gpsready: Yes, higharchspout: Yes, Horse Power: 850, kernelprocessor: Yes, metaldetector: Yes, New: Used, rotaryhead: No, rowcrophead: No, soldwithheader: No, stonedetector: Yes, Transmission: 2 Spd, windrowhead: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Claas LEXION 7500TT
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 802
Hours: 1226
Separator Hours: 802, Hours: 1226, Horse Power: 402, Drive Type: 4WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: Yes, autolube: Yes, autosidehillcompensation: Yes, autoterrainadjust: Yes, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: Yes, engineaircompressor: No, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, Graintanksize (bushel): 385, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, planetarydrive: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: ProDrive, Unloadingaugerlength (inches): 29
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2017 Claas LEXION 740TT
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 601
Hours: 944
Separator Hours: 601, Hours: 944, Horse Power: 435, Drive Type: 4WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autolube: Yes, autosidehillcompensation: Yes, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: Yes, feederhousereverser: Yes, Fuel Type: Diesel, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, Graintanksize (bushel): 330, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No, Unloadingaugerlength (feet): 29
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2018 John Deere S780
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 912
Hours: 1280
Separator Hours: 912, Hours: 1280, Horse Power: 540, Drive Type: 2WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: Yes, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: Yes, autoterrainadjust: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, combineautomationpackage: Combine Advisor, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, Graintanksize (bushel): 400, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: ProDrive, Unloadingaugerlength (feet): 26
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2016 Claas LEXION 750
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 1493
Hours: 2149
Separator Hours: 1493, Hours: 2149, Drive Type: 2WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: No, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, autoterrainadjust: No, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: Yes, Differential Lock: Yes, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, Graintanksize (bushel): 435, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: 3 Spd, Unloadingaugerlength (inches): 29
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2022 Claas 16-30
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
New: Used, Rolls: Standard, Rows: 16, Rowspacing (inches): 30, stalkstompers: 2, stalkstompersincluded: Yes
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Landoll 5540-50x7.5
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
New: Used, Power Type: Mechanical, Rowspacing (inches): 7.5, safetylights: Yes, walkboard: Yes, Width (feet): 50
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2022 Claas CONVIO 1080
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Auger: Yes, Auger Full Finger: Yes, Gathering Type: Draper, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, polyskidshoes: Yes, splitreel: Yes, stonedam: Yes, Stubble Lights: No, Width (feet): 35
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas CONVIO 1080
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Auger: Yes, Auger Full Finger: Yes, Gathering Type: Draper, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, polyskidshoes: Yes, splitreel: Yes, stonedam: Yes, Stubble Lights: Yes, Width (feet): 35
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Claas 12-30
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 7500, Rolls: Knife, Rows: 12, Rowspacing (inches): 30, stalkstompersincluded: No, Stubble Lights: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas DISCO 1100C BUSINESS
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Impeller, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, flotationsystem: Yes, modularcutterbar: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front and Rear, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, powerreverser: No, PTO (RPM): 1000, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 35, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas ORBIS 900
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Very nice head, knives recently replaced, ready to go. Auto Contour Auto Pilot Additional Weights 4 plates Premium Skid Plates
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas ORBIS 900
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Claas DISCO 9200RC CONTOUR
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
conditionertype: Rubber, cutterbarprotection: Yes, flotationsystem: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Rear, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, PTO Size: 1 3/8, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 29, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2017 John Deere 640FD
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Auger: Yes, Auger Full Finger: No, Gathering Type: Draper, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, polyskidshoes: Yes, splitreel: Yes, stonedam: Yes, Width (feet): 40
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2016 John Deere 612C
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2016 Claas 12-30C
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
2016 112-30C Chopping Head. First used in the 2018 Season Auto Contour Auto Pilot Row Sense Height Sense Chopping Knives look to be in good shape.
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas DISCO 3600FC MOVE
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Impeller, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, flotationsystem: Yes, modularcutterbar: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, powerreverser: No, PTO (RPM): 1000, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Shippinglength (feet): 11, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2020 Claas DISCO 3600RC CONTOUR
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
conditionertype: Rubber, cutterbarprotection: Yes, flotationsystem: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, PTO Size: 1 3/8, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 11, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2018 Claas DISCO 3600FRC PROFIL
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Rubber, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, flotationsystem: Yes, modularcutterbar: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 11.6666666666667, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2019 Claas DISCO 3600FRC PROFIL
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Rubber, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, flotationsystem: Yes, Length (feet): 11, modularcutterbar: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, powerreverser: No, PTO (RPM): 1000, PTO Size: 1 3/4, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 11, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2002 John Deere 9650 STS
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Separator Hours: 3137
Hours: 4627
Separator Hours: 3137, Hours: 4627, Horse Power: 290, Drive Type: 2WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: No, autocombineadjust: No, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, autoterrainadjust: No, Cab: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: No, Differential Lock: No, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: No, Front Tire Type: Duals, Fuel Type: Diesel, gpsready: No, Graintanksize (bushel): 325, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: No, planetarydrive: Yes, premiumlighting: No, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: 3 Spd, Unloadingaugerlength (inches): 28
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2018 Claas PU380PRO
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
2018 CLAAS PU 380 Active Contour 3 Speed Drive 5 Rows of Teeth Reel Mechanically Folding Sensing Wheels Hydraulic Intake Auger Lift
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2018 Claas PU380PRO
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
2018 CLAAS PU 380 Active Contour 3 Speed Drive 5 Rows of Teeth Reel Hydraulic Intake Auger Lift Mechanically Folding Sensing Wheels
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2012 Claas 8-30
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, Rolls: Knife, Rows: 8, Rowspacing (inches): 30, stalkstompers: 2
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
1993 John Deere 893
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
New: Used, Numacres (acre): 25000, Rolls: Standard, Rows: 8, Rowspacing (inches): 30, stalkstompersincluded: No, Stubble Lights: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2021 Claas CONVIO 1080
Contact for Price
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
Auger: No, Auger Full Finger: No, Gathering Type: Draper, Hydraulic Hookup: SinglePoint, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 2600, polyskidshoes: Yes, splitreel: Yes, stonedam: Yes, Stubble Lights: Yes, Width (feet): 35
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
2017 Claas DISCO 3600FC PROFIL
Contact for Price
983.9 miles away - OGALLALA, NE
completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Impeller, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, flotationsystem: Yes, modularcutterbar: Yes, mountingtypelocation: Front, mowerconfiguration: Triple, New: Used, Numacres (acre): 8500, powerreverser: No, PTO (RPM): 540, quickchangeknifesystem: Yes, Width (feet): 12, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
983.9 miles away
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