2018 Case IH MAGNUM 380 CVT
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Hours: 2467
Transmission: CVT
Horse Power: 380
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 2467, Transmission: CVT, Horse Power: 380, Drive Type: MFWD, New: Used, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, gpsready: Yes, Loader: No, Quick Hitch: Yes, Tracksize (inches): 24, Wheel Type: Tracks
2012 New Holland T9.450
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Transmission: Power Shuttle
Horse Power: 500
Drive Type: 4WD
Transmission: Power Shuttle, Horse Power: 500, Drive Type: 4WD, 3-Point Hitch: No, New: Used, agdrawbar: Yes, Articulating: Yes, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, creepergear: No, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: No, Front Suspension: No, Front Tire % Remaining: 30, Front Tire Size: 480-50, Front Tire Type: Duals, frontpto: No, frontthreepointhitch: No, gpsready: Yes, hasfrontweights: No, haspto: No, hasrearweights: No, highclearance: No, hydraulicflowtype: High Flow, Loader: No, midmounthydraulics: No, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire % Remaining: 30, Rear Tire Size: 480-50, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Remote Hydraulics: 4, ROPS: No, Wheel Type: Tires
2022 Demco 1722
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
camera: No, Capacity (bushel): 2000, electrictarp: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, Scale: Yes, Unloadingaugesize (inches): 22, unloadingconfiguration: Left, Wheel Type: Tracks
2010 New Holland T9020
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Hours: 3200
Transmission: Powershift
Horse Power: 335
Drive Type: 4WD
Hours: 3200, Transmission: Powershift, Horse Power: 335, Drive Type: 4WD, 3-Point Hitch: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, agdrawbar: Yes, antiquecollector: No, Articulating: Yes, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, creepergear: No, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: No, Front Suspension: No, Front Tire % Remaining: 30, Front Tire Size: 480-46, Front Tire Type: Duals, frontpto: No, frontthreepointhitch: No, gpsready: Yes, hasfrontweights: No, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, highclearance: No, hydraulicflowtype: Standard, Loader: No, PTO Size: 1 3/4, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire % Remaining: 25, Rear Tire Size: 480-46, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Remote Hydraulics: 4, ROPS: No, scrapermodel: No, usedasascraper: No
2022 Demco 1322
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Demco 1322 Grain Cart, Tracks, Scales, Gray - 1 season use - Pictures are before cart was used last fall.
2022 Salford I1241
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
alternateharrowtype: Rolling Basket, Frontbladesize (inches): 20, frontbladetype: Wavy, harrowtype: Coil Tine, New: New, safetylights: Yes, seeder: No, Walking Tandems: Yes, walkingtandemswings: Yes, warrantytype: Original, weights: Yes, Width (feet): 41
2013 Case IH 7230
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Separator Hours: 1770
Hours: 1806
Separator Hours: 1770, Hours: 1806, Drive Type: 2WD, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: No, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, autoterrainadjust: Yes, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: No, Differential Lock: No, engineaircompressor: No, feederhousereverser: Yes, feedratecontrol: No, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: No, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, planetarydrive: No, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: No, toughcroppackage: No, Transmission: 3 Spd
2022 Demco 1272
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Capacity (bushel): 1300, electrictarp: No, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, Scale: Yes, Wheel Type: Tracks
2013 Apache AS1020
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Hours: 1154
2013 Apache AS 1020, 1154 hours, 1000 gallon Poly Tank, 60/90' Booms on 15" spacing, 2" Front/Side Load, Raven E Pro, Guidance and section control.
2013 John Deere S680
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Separator Hours: 1867
Hours: 2794
2794 engine hours 1867 Separator hours PRWD 4 x 4 wheel drive contour master auto steer ready All the normal S 680 options Good tires clean cab Illinois corn and soybean combine farmer owned & farmer selling we have all maintenance records Not at our location
2020 Demco 1150
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Capacity (bushel): 1150, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, unloadingconfiguration: Left, Wheel Type: Tracks
2004 Case IH MX285
373.3 miles away - ALEXANDER, IL
Hours: 5200
Transmission: Powershift
Horse Power: 287
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 5200, Transmission: Powershift, Horse Power: 287, Drive Type: MFWD, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 1000, Articulating: No, Backhoe: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Front Fenders: No, Front Tire % Remaining: 85, Front Tire Type: Duals, hasfrontweights: Yes, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, highclearance: No, Loader: No, PTO Size: 1 3/4, Rear Tire % Remaining: 85, Rear Tire Size: BKT, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Remote Hydraulics: 4, Wheel Type: Tracks
of 14
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