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Equipment Listings
2021 Case IH Farmall 105A
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Hours: 388
Transmission: Power Shuttle
Horse Power: 105
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 388, Transmission: Power Shuttle, Horse Power: 105, Drive Type: MFWD, 3-Point Hitch: Yes, New: Used, antiquecollector: No, autonomous: No, Backhoe: No, frontthreepointhitch: No, Loader: No, loaderready: Yes, Rear Tire Type: Singles
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2019 New Holland 210
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
centerpivotpulltype: No, completerebuild: No, conditionertype: Rubber, cutterbarprotection: Yes, cutterbartiltadjust: Yes, cutterbartiltadjusttype: Hydraulic, cutterbartype: Rotary Disc, hitchtype: Draw Bar, modularcutterbar: Yes, New: Used, PTO (RPM): 540, PTO Size: 1 3/8, swivelhitch: Yes, Width (feet): 10, windrowmerger: No
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
1990 J&M 350-20
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Auger: No, Capacity (bushel): 350, completerebuild: No, Front Fenders: No, New: Used, safetylights: Yes, sideextensions: No
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2007 Case IH MX305
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Hours: 3880
Transmission: Powershift
Horse Power: 304
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 3880, Transmission: Powershift, Horse Power: 304, Drive Type: MFWD, 3-Point Hitch: Yes, New: Used, Operator Station: Cab, PTO (RPM): 540/1000, agdrawbar: Yes, antiquecollector: No, Articulating: No, Auto Guidance: No, Auto Guidance Ready: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Front Fenders: Yes, Front Suspension: No, Front Tire % Remaining: 60, Front Tire Size: 380/80R38, Front Tire Type: Duals, frontthreepointhitch: No, gpsready: No, hasfrontweights: Yes, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, highclearance: No, hydraulicflowtype: Twin Flow, Loader: No, midmounthydraulics: No, numfrontweights: 10, numrearweights: 2, Quick Hitch: No, Rear Tire % Remaining: 20, Rear Tire Size: 480/80R50, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Remote Hydraulics: 4, ROPS: No, scrapermodel: No, usedasascraper: No, Wheel Type: Tires, Wheelbase (inches): 120
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2024 Case IH 8250
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Separator Hours: 250
Hours: 300
Separator Hours: 250, Hours: 300, Drive Type: 4WD, Attachments: Straw Spreader, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: Yes, autolube: No, autosidehillcompensation: No, Cab: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, combineautomationpackage: Harvest Command, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, Graintanksize (bushel): 410, hitch: Yes, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Unloadingaugerlength (inches): 40, warrantytype: Original
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2008 John Deere 512
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
completerebuild: No, coverboards: Yes, depthcontrol: Yes, frametyperippers: 2-Section Folding, frontbladeconfiguration: Gang, frontbladerank: Single, Frontbladesize (inches): 21, hitch: Yes, hitchtype: Pull-Type, mudscrapers: Yes, New: Used, Number of Shanks: 9, pointtype: Straight, rearbladeconfiguration: Gang, rearblades: Yes, Rearbladesize (inches): 23, rippertypetillage: Combination Ripper, safetylights: Yes, Shank Type: c, shankmountingtype: Spring Reset, Shankspacing (inches): 30, singlepointdepthcontrol: Yes, Walking Tandems: Yes, walkingtandemswings: No, wearshins: Yes, Width (feet): 22.5
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2020 Case IH 8250
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Separator Hours: 920
Hours: 1300
Separator Hours: 920, Hours: 1300, Drive Type: 4WD, Auger: No, autoterrainadjust: No, combineautomationpackage: Harvest Command, feederhousereverser: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: No, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Unloadingaugerlength (feet): 40, warrantytype: Original
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
1998 Case IH 1063
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
New: Used, Rolls: Standard, Rows: 6, Rowspacing (inches): 30, stalkstompersincluded: No, Stubble Lights: No
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2022 Case TR270B
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Hours: 741
Hours: 741, A/C: Yes, AC Condition: Excellent, Bucket: Yes, Bucketsize (inches): 72, camera: Yes, Capacity (pounds): 2700, Cruisespeed (miles/hour): 6.5, Cruisespeed2 (miles/hour): 11, exteriorlighttype: Halogen, frontelectric: Yes, New: Used, Operator Controls: Hand, premiumdisplaypanel: Yes, Quick Attach: Yes, ROPS Type: Enclosed, seatmaterial: Cloth, seattype: Air Ride, selflevelingloader: No, Standardhydrflow (gallon/minute): 24.2, Tipload (pounds): 5400, Tracksize (inches): 12.6
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2024 Case IH 7250
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Separator Hours: 250
Hours: 300
Separator Hours: 250, Hours: 300, Drive Type: 4WD, Attachments: Straw Spreader, Auger: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, autocombineadjust: Yes, autosidehillcompensation: No, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, camera: Yes, combineautomationpackage: Harvest Command, feedratecontrol: Yes, Front Tire Type: Duals, gpsready: Yes, grainbinextensiontype: Power Fold, hitch: Yes, instructionalseat: Yes, New: Used, pivotingaugerspout: Yes, premiumlighting: Yes, rocktrap: Yes, telematics: Yes, toughcroppackage: No, Unloadingaugerlength (inches): 40, warrantytype: Original
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2007 New Holland TG275
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
Hours: 2684
Transmission: Powershift
Horse Power: 275
Drive Type: MFWD
Hours: 2684, Transmission: Powershift, Horse Power: 275, Drive Type: MFWD, 3-Point Hitch: Yes, New: Used, Operator Station: Cab, antiquecollector: No, Articulating: No, Auto Guidance: Yes, Auto Guidance Ready: Yes, Cab Air: Yes, Cab Heat: Yes, Differential Lock: Yes, Front Fenders: No, Front Suspension: No, Front Tire % Remaining: 50, Front Tire Size: 380/85R34, Front Tire Type: Duals, frontpto: No, frontthreepointhitch: No, gpsready: Yes, hasfrontweights: Yes, haspto: Yes, hasrearweights: Yes, highclearance: No, Loader: No, numfrontweights: 13, numrearweights: 2, Quick Hitch: Yes, Rear Tire % Remaining: 50, Rear Tire Size: 18.4R46, Rear Tire Type: Duals, Rearweights (pounds): 2000, Remote Hydraulics: 4, Wheel Type: Tires, Wheelbase (inches): 120
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away
2020 Bush Hog 3308
183.6 miles away - LOGANSPORT, IN
PTO (RPM): 540
PTO (RPM): 540, Guards: Chain, Batwing: No, completerebuild: No, Cuttingcapacity (inches): 12, Cuttingheight (inches): 12, frontguards: Chain, gearboxwarranty: Yes, Mower Type: 3 Pt., New: Used, Number of Blades: 4, numtailwheels: 1, offsetmower: No, quickchangebladesystem: No, quickhitchcompatible: Yes, safetylights: No, slopeddeck: No, stumpjumper: Yes, swivelhitch: No, tailwheeltype: Laminated, Width (inches): 96
Dealer Info
183.6 miles away