Illiana Truck Parts……The Cleanest Junkyard You’ve Ever Seen

Andy NickelAndy Nickel started his business in 1980 on just 5 acres.  Today he has expanded to 40 acres and over 100,000 square feet of warehouse space.  What’s more is that he has 19 employees, and five trucks to make deliveries.  That part of the story could apply to a junkyard anywhere, but like Paul Harvey says, here’s the rest of the story.


 It wasn’t long after opening his business that Andy realized that many of his customers sent their wife to pick up parts.  Farmers often came through the door with their children.  It occurred to him that anyone who came by to pick up parts should feel comfortable in his show room.  He made a point of having a clean comfortable environment with clean rest rooms.  “The men probably notice, but the ladies have made a point of thanking me for having such a clean place.”  “They’ve picked up parts for their husbands before, but this is not what they are used to, and they tell me they appreciate it.

DogDon’t be at all surprised if you are greeted by the smallest junkyard dog imaginable.  Colt takes his job seriously, and will be keeping an eye out for you.  In case you’re wondering, he can be bribed with treats.

So, Stop by, where the Truck meets the Sky!  It’s a warm, comfortable, friendly place to buy truck parts. The show room floor shines as it reflects the light off of the chrome and aluminum wheels.  You can find replacement parts for that old truck, or you can dress it up with lots of bling.

truck in the skyYou can find them at 909 N. 25th Street, or at

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