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592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
4-in-1 front bucket for Cat IT backhoe, 21" spread, 21" from pin hole to coupler hook, 50 mm pin holes
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
Hours: 1916
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
50" digging bucket, 15 3/4" spread, 20" center to center, 90 mm pin holes, missing 2 teeth - shanks worn down
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
592.2 miles away - PHILLIPSTON, MA
30 kw trailer-mounted generator, 4 cylinder Mitsubishi diesel, pintle hitch, runs but does not generate - as is
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